Takashi Wakamiya, founder of Hikoju Makie, passed away
【訃報】彦十蒔絵 代表 若宮隆志 逝去のお知らせ
(English and Chinese follows behind)
(English and Chinese follows behind)
突然のご報告となりますが、彦十蒔絵 代表 若宮隆志が2025年2月28日に永眠いたしました。生前賜りましたご支援、ご厚情に、心より感謝申し上げます。
若宮家代表 若宮 樹 (Tatsuki WAKAMIYA)彦十蒔絵 高 禎蓮 (Wawa / Teiren TAKA)
[Obituary] Announcement of the Passing of Takashi Wakamiya, Representative of HIKOJU MAKIE
To all who knew him,
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Takashi Wakamiya, representative of HIKOJU MAKIE, on February 28, 2025.
We are profoundly grateful for the kindness and support he received during his lifetime.
We sincerely regret that we were unable to inform you personally and must share this sad news through social media. In accordance with his wishes, we wished to avoid causing any burden or obligation for condolences. For this reason, we are only informing you after the funeral has already taken place. We apologize for the delay in sharing this news.
The funeral was held privately among close family members. However, to honor his life and legacy, we are planning to hold “Tracing the Legacy of Takashi Wakamiya”, a gathering to reflect on his journey and share memories together. Through an exhibition of his works and the thoughts embedded in his creative process, we hope to provide a space where we can come together, reminisce, and pay tribute to him. Further details will be announced in due course.
With our deepest respect and gratitude.
Tatsuki Wakamiya, on behalf of the Wakamiya Family
Wawa / Teiren Taka, HIKOJU MAKIE
【訃告】彥十蒔繪 代表 若宮隆志 逝世通知
若宮家代表 若宮 樹 (Tatsuki WAKAMIYA)
彥十蒔繪 高 禎蓮 (Wawa / Teiren TAKA)