
“継承“彦十蒔絵 チャリティ販売会
輪島の漆職人支援チャリティ作品販売会 「“継承“彦十蒔絵」
Charity sale to support Urushi lacquer craftsmen in Wajima “Inheritance” HIKOJU MAKIE
Outline of HIKOJU MAKIE artwork charity sale
・100% of proceeds from the sales will be donated to HIKOJU MAKIE to support their recovery from the disaster.
・今回のチャリティー販売会のお支払いは、お客様から彦十蒔絵の銀行口座に 直接お振込をお願い致します。
・Please note that for this charity sale, you will make payment by direct bank transfer to HIKOJU MAKIEʼs bank account.
Their works on display will be available for purchase in advance. through the web catalog.
作品販売期間:2024/3/28(木)〜4/17(水) オンライン図録
・購入/相談方法: 図録のご希望作品とご連絡先(名前/電話番号/メールアドレ ス/ご住所)を彦十蒔絵のオフィシャルサイトContact pageからご連絡くださ い。
・Works on sale: Thursday, March 28, 2024 – Wednesday, April 17, 2024
web catalog:(https://my.ebook5.net/Hikoju_Makie/rbL3t3/)
How to Purchase/Consult: Please contact us from the Contact Page on the HIKOJU MAKIE official website and let us know the artwork from the catalog you would like to purchase and your contact information (name/phone number/email address/address).
*作品の発送は販売期間終了後、ご入金の確認の上、ご購入者様と発送日の 日程をご相談させていただきます。
*The shipping date of works will be discussed with purchasers after the end of the sales period and after we confirm your payment.
リアル作品展示場所: KANEGAE
Schedule: 4 月 3 日(水)〜17 日(水) 10 時〜17 時
住所: 京都府京都市北区紫野下門前町43(大徳寺総門前) 営業時間:10:00〜17:00
Tel: 075-491-2127
E-mail: kanegae-@wf6.so-net.ne.jp
※図録番号1〜4の作品は美術館展覧会「超絶技巧未来へ!明治工芸とその DNA展」に貸し出し中の為、KANEGAEでの展示は出来ません。
Exhibition of works: KANEGAE
We will be exhibiting the works for this charity sale on the following dates. Schedule: Wednesday, April 3 – Wednesday, April 17, 10 am to 5 pm
Address: 43 Shino Shimomonzen-Cho, Kita-Ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto (in front of the main gate of Daitokuji Temple)
Opening hours: 10 am to 5 pm
Telephone: 075-491-2127
E-mail: kanegae-@wf6.so-net.ne.jp
*The works in catalog numbers 1 to 4 are on loan to an art museum exhibition, “Superhuman Craftwork for the Future! Meiji Kogei and its DNA Exhibition” so they will not be exhibited at KANEGAE.
===ごあいさつ===KANEGAE 鐘ヶ江英夫
始めに、このたび能登地方を震源とする大規模地震により犠牲となられた全ての方々 に心よりお悔み申し上げるとともに、被災された方々に心よりお見舞い申し上げます。 2012年に根津美術館における柴田是真展の作品修復を通して、私は彦十蒔絵の若宮
隆志さんと出会いました。そこから12年間、傍にて彦十蒔絵の作品制作を見てきまし た。彼らは古い文献を研究し、受け継がれなかった技法を復活、改良し、時には常識 を覆す新たな技法を生み出してきました。彦十蒔絵は、未だ見ぬ漆芸作品を求める求 道者たちです。しかし、今回の地震で彦十蒔絵の職人たちの多くが、工房と家をなく し、一人の若い職人の命まで失うことになりました。その様な絶望の中でも、彼らは いま僅かな光を頼りに立ち上がろうとしています。彼らは私たちの時代において、漆 芸を一歩進めてくれる存在です。彼らを支え、若宮さんや熟練の職人たちの技術や文 化を次の世代に継承させることが、日本の豊かな未来に繋がります。どうか今、皆様 に彦十蒔絵へのご支援を切にお願い申し上げます。 今回の展示販売会の売り上げは全て、彦十蒔絵復興への寄付とさせて頂きます。出来 れば、多くの方々にお声がけ頂き、ご興味を持って頂ければ幸いです。どうぞ宜しく お願い申し上げます。
First of all, I would like to express my deepest condolences to all those who lost their lives in the massive earthquake that struck the Noto region, and my deepest sympathies to those who have been affected by the disaster.
I met Mr. Takashi Wakamiya of HIKOJU MAKIE through a restoration project for the Shibata Zeshin exhibition held at Nezu Museum in 2012. Since then, I have been watching his productions by his side for the past 12 years.
Craftsmen of HIKOJU MAKIE have reviewed old literature, and then revived and improved techniques that were not handed down to the next generation, and sometimes created new techniques that overturn common sense. They are a group of seekers in pursuit of urushi lacquer works that people have not yet seen.
However, many of the HIKOJU MAKIEʼs craftsmen lost their workshops and homes due to the disaster, and one young craftsman even passed away. Amid such despair, they are now trying to recover from this situation, relying on the little light they can see. They are the ones who take urushi lacquerware art one step further in our time. Supporting them and passing on the skills and culture of Mr. Wakamiya and other skilled craftsmen to the next generation, will lead to a prosperous future for Japan. I sincerely ask for your support for HIKOJU MAKIE.
All the profits from this exhibition will be donated to the HIKOJU MAKIE recovery support. I hope you become interested in this project and can share this information with as many people as possible. Thank you for your time.
KANEGAE Hideo Kanegae
===ごあいさつ===彦十蒔絵 若宮隆志
1月1日は家族団欒でお正月を迎えている中で能登半島地震が発生して、一瞬にして日 常が奪われてしまいました。 輪島ではほとんどの家が消失、全壊、半壊してしまいました、彦十蒔絵の職人たちの 多くの工房も家も無くなってしまいました、彦十蒔絵のメンバーには残念な事に命を 落とした若手の職人もおりました。 幼い頃から住み慣れた輪島を離れ慣れない地域に仮住まいをはじめ3か月が経ちま す、多くのことを諦めましたが、漆に関わる仕事は諦めたくないと彦十蒔絵のメンバ ーはほんの少しずつですが仕事を再開しようと前を向いて歩み始めたところです。 そんな状況で今回これまでお世話になっていたKOGEI nextの皆さんでチャリティーイ ベントを企画してくださいました。
またKOGEI nextの企画で和楽器バンドの蜷川べにさんの三味線Lycorisを制作させて 頂きましたご縁でお話と演奏会を開催していただく事になりました。 このチャリティーイベントを企画してくださいました、ギャラリーKANEGAEの鐘ヶ 江英夫さん、株式会社クロステックマネジメントの江口哲平さん、UNIVERSAL MUSIC JAPANの⻄尾勇哉さん、楽器バンド三味線奏者蜷川べにさん、京都女子大学 の前﨑信也先生、二瓶晃先生、小学館文化事業局プロデューサーセバスチャン高木史郎さん、そして電通ミュージックエンタテインメント染野晴美さん、富樫祐輔さんと 園藝レコードの多田豊一郎さん、心より感謝をお申し上げます。
彦十蒔絵 若宮隆志
On January 1, I was celebrating the New Year with my family when a major earthquake hit the Noto Peninsula, instantly taking away our daily life.
In Wajima, most of the houses were completely or partially destroyed, and many of the craftsmen of HIKOJU MAKIE lost their workshops and homes. Unfortunately, one young craftsman of ours passed away.
It has been three months since we left Wajima, where we had lived since our childhood and started living in an unfamiliar area temporarily. We have given up many things, but we donʼt want to give up our Urushi lacquer work, and our members have gradually started to resume work and are looking to the future.
Under such circumstances, project members from KOGEI next, who have been supporting us up until now, have organized a charity event for us.
We are also pleased to announce that they allowed us to produce a shamisen “Lycoris” for Beni Ninagawa from a Japanese musical instrument band as part of the KOGEI next project, and they will be hosting a talk show and concert as well.
I would like to thank Mr. Hideo Kanegae from Gallery KANEGAE, Mr. Teppei Eguchi from Cross Tech Management, Mr. Yuya Nishio from UNIVERSAL MUSIC JAPAN, Ms. Beni Ninagawa, a shamisen player of a Japanese musical instrument band, Mr. Shinya Maezaki and Mr. Akira Nihei from Kyoto Womenʼs University, Mr. Shiro Takagi, a producer at Shogakukan Cultural Affairs Department, Mr. Harumi Someo from Dentsu Music and Entertainment, Mr. Yusuke Togashi and Mr. Toyoichiro Tada from Engei Records for organizing this charity event.
HIKOJU MAKIE Takashi Wakamiya