Support Donation-2nd edition




【2024年4月1日 更新】

このコンセプトBeautiful Foolishness は、岡倉天心が西洋の読者に日本の茶道の哲学を紹介するために書いた『茶の本』から取り入れたものです。「愚かさ」とは、しばしば衝動的な決断や非論理的な行動を指しますが、岡倉はそれを、従来の価値観や合理性から自由で、人生に見られる儚さと美しさを深く受け入れる態度として表現しました。彦十蒔絵はBF値(Beautiful Foolishness 値)の高いものづくりを仮工房から再出発いたします。



代表 若宮 隆志
マネージャー 高 禎蓮

① メール(、あるいは彦十蒔絵のオフィシャルサイト・コンタクトページ より 『氏名・携帯・住所・メールアドレス・振込金額・振込予定日』 を連絡

② 北國銀行(0146) 輪島支店(323) 普通預金 068471  ワカミヤ タカシへ振込


[Updated April 1, 2024]
First and foremost, we are immensely grateful for the support and encouragement we have received to date. Your solidarity has played a pivotal role in helping us navigate through challenges.

The inaugural phase of the Hikoju Makie Project, which commenced on January 5, 2024, concluded successfully thanks to widespread support, and we are now in the process of preparing our expressions of gratitude. This phase necessitated our move from the familiar surroundings of Wajima to embark on a new beginning in Kanazawa.

[Call for Donations: Phase 2]
We are excited to announce the launch of Phase 2 of our support initiative, aimed at empowering us, the craftsmen, to forge our path anew. Hikoju Makie is set to commence operations in Kanazawa, where we are establishing a temporary workshop alongside emerging craftsmen. This year, our ambition is to create works for an exhibition inspired by the theme of “beautifully foolish,” a notion derived from Okakura Tenshin’s “The Book of Tea,” which acquaints Western readers with the philosophy of the Japanese tea ceremony. Although “foolishness” is typically associated with hasty or irrational behavior, Okakura leveraged it to signify a profound appreciation for life’s ephemeral beauty, untethered by orthodox values and logic.

The donations will be used to rebuild the living and working environments of the artisans at Hikoju Makie, to procure tools and materials, and to operate the workshop, so that we can once again create lacquer art pieces.
□ Support donation (without a return gift)
If you agree with our purpose and would like to support us, please follow the steps below to donate within your means.
Please use the transfer request form (copy) as a receipt. The management of the fund will be left to your discretion.
Procedure for Support Funds
Contact us via email ( or through the Hikoju Makie official website contact page with your “Name, Mobile, Address, Email Address, Transfer Amount, Scheduled Transfer Date.”
Transfer the donation to(1):
Beneficiary Bank: Hokkoku Bank Ltd.(0146),
Branch Name・Address Wajima Branch (323),
Address and Tel of Hokkoku Bank Wajima Branch: 42-77, 18 Bu, Kawai-machi, Wajima City, Ishikawa, JAPAN / Tel. +81-768-22-2323
Beneficiary Account Number: Ordinary Deposit, Account No. 0068471 (depending on the bank, the bank account number may be 323-0068471),
Beneficiary Name : Wakamiya Takashi
Beneficiary Address:8-2-36, Shinbashidori, Wajima, Ishikawa 928-0061, Japan
Transfer the donation to(2):
“Paypal” using this email address
*Please specify: “Donation” Thank you very much for your support

Hikoju Makie
Representative: Takashi Wakamiya
Manager: Taka Teiren(Wawa)